The UAB TRIP Lab TRIPsters have a long history (starting with Dr. Stavrinos, our Founding Director) of being awarded the prestigious Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Research fellowship by the United States Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration. This year is no exception!
Congratulations to TRIP Lab Graduate Research Assistants Grace Albright, Austin Svancara, and Gabriela Sherrod on being awarded 2020-21 Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Research fellowships. These competitive fellowships are open to students nationwide and are awarded to the brightest minds in the field of transportation and who are expected to advance transportation workforce development. We look forward to seeing what these three young researchers will accomplish next!
Having such a rich history of Eisenhower recipients is quite the honor for the TRIP Lab and speaks directly to the high caliber students Lab attracts as well as the high quality and readily translatable research the Lab mentors and hones.
Read the UAB News article featuring the fellowship recipients.