The UAB TRIP Lab TRIPsters have a long history (starting with Dr. Stavrinos, our Founding Director) of being awarded the prestigious Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Research fellowship by [...]
Update: Thank you for your response to our study! We still need more participants — specifically, dads and daughters! If you’re a Dad or a teen daughter whose Dad would be willing to [...]
POSITION CLOSED Translational Research for Injury Prevention Laboratory University of Alabama at Birmingham Mentor: Dr. Despina Stavrinos, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, [...]
Please join us in congratulating Dr. Benjamin McManus, TRIP Lab Assistant Director, on his recently awarded K01 grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Institute for [...]
Please join us in congratulating Ms. Grace Albright, TRIP Lab Graduate Assistant, in being selected as a Society for Public (SOPHE)/CDC Student Fellow in Injury Prevention for 2020-21. The [...]
The days are long, but the years are short. I don’t know who said this, and I think it’s supposed to refer to raising children, but it couldn’t be more appropriate as I [...]